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January 28, 2006



Scott, sounds good.
I like your first bullet-point especially. One of the walls I keep running into in this area is how shocked other clergy are that I keep pointing out how it's NOT all the "same thing." It seems like many people want to boil everything down to it's essence and create the hegemony - but when I look at that I think, "You know, THIS is what leads to problems because one day they're going to be talking and the fantasy that it's all the same thing is going to be revealed and start beating each other."

Why can't we be different from each other? It seems that S3K allowed for this and that was cool!

What was worship like? I wrestle with inter-faith worship because of the heavily Trinitarian nature of Chrisitan worship - so I'm interested in your thoughts.

Also, I'm SO with you on the thoughts behind the "Torah Cycle." Jewish identity is built off of community - Protestant identity is built off of, "What I feel like doing." We have much to learn...

Peg Laramee

Although it was much shorter, more fleeting and more superficial than the experience you describe in CA, a short film shown during the week-long Palestinian Film Festival last year moved me and took me aback.

It was basically home-movie footage of an interfaith walk in 2003 in Philadelphia, beginning at the Al-Aqsa Mosque at Germantown and Jefferson St, moving on to the an historical downtown synagogue and finishing up in a Christian church (can't remember the denomination). At each location spiritual leaders prayed earnestly for peace and unity among the traditions. It was massively evident, from the urgency and tenor of the prayers, that the differences in doctrine and perspective are deeply enriching and significant.

I know that there is a fair amount of pooh-poohing of these grass-roots marchers and events. Just watching the film of it, I had a sense that something important was happening.

paul soupiset

thanks for the posts. wish i was there.

Good information

Thanks for making the sincere effort to discuss this. I think very robust approximately it and wish to read more.

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